Space for Everyone



You can read our Access-Statement for more information.

General Access

Jodrell Bank is a fully accessible site with all visitor facilities at ground level. We currently have three public buildings and a fourth for special events. Each building is linked by level paths. Our welcome team are on hand to help you when you arrive and our friendly Explainers are always around to guide you if you require.

Assistance dogs are welcome and carers/personal assistants go free. We currently accept assistance dogs (which includes Autism Dogs) accredited by Assistance Dogs UK, these are listed here.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Visitors

  • We have induction loops fitted to our exhibition, auditorium, and classroom spaces
  • Some of our exhibitions have subtitles and others have translations

Blind and Partially Sighted Visitors

  • Sighted assistants are recommended for your visit
  • Some of our exhibits are hands-on and some have voice-over interpretation

Wheelchair Users and Visitors with Limited Mobility

  • We have three manual wheelchairs for visitors use.
  • Our buildings, exhibitions, and car parks are fully accessible.
  • We have accessible toilet facilities in all of our buildings.
  • Our auditorium and Space Dome has accessible seating spaces.

Autistic Visitors

Read our Autism Familiarisation Guide to help you prepare for your visit, and give you an idea of what to expect on the day.


  • The grounds are accessed via pathways, otherwise they are laid to grass and have wilderness areas which are uncultivated and therefore not suitable for wheelchair users.


  • Our car park is free for all and fully accessible.
  • There are accessible parking bays in the area of the car park nearest to the arrival building.

Contact Information

If you require further information to help you plan you visit, or if you need to inform us about particular access requirements, you can contact us on:

Telephone: 01477 571766

Our Code of Conduct

We empower diverse audiences and communities to participate in the science, culture and heritage of this special place. We connect people with Jodrell Bank and with each other, understanding the value of inclusive experiences. So we can provide all our visitors with the welcome they deserve, please remember that:

-Verbally abusive, harassing, discriminatory, undermining, or threatening statements or behaviour toward staff, volunteers or visitors are stictly prohibited.
-The principles of diversity, inclusion, and equal access apply to all aspects of our operations, across all individuals.